YF magazine page...

10:34 PM Posted by Unknown

Hi All,

please submit your testimonies to me. RYAN. CHONG SHING. BETHANIE. DOMINIC. GILLIAN LEE.

We still need Gillian Chua's photograph! :)

15 Nov YF

10:31 PM Posted by Unknown

SUICIDE? photos

8:38 AM Posted by Unknown


1:41 AM Posted by Unknown


Come join us as we explore why people commit suicide, how we can prevent it, and why you should never end your own life!


Herald BP Church. Level 3 Sanctuary.

3:30pm – 5:15pm

Bring your bible, Writing materials, Craft materials (scissors, glue etc)


Hope to see all of you there! I will be preparing materials so please RSVP in the tag board to let me know you are coming! J


So far, people who have responded are Dominic, Gabriel, Bethanie, Gillian.

Doomsday cult 160808

5:51 AM Posted by Unknown

Cramming for God's word?

First, lay out the bible in front of you.

Gather in groups.

Close your eyes and meditate.


Change your position if you get drowsy.

Ask you friend if you do not understand.

You friend may ignore you, but don't give up!

Continue to meditate, and He will give you understanding.

Victory at last!

Doomsday Cult

8:24 AM Posted by Unknown

Study on the Doomsday Cult.
Learn about one of the most destructive, religious cults
through a series of activities, bible study and games.
Join us on Saturday 16 August 2008
4 pm at Level 3 Chapel.
Bring your Bible, Writing materials
* No shorts and slippers allowed on a formal YF activity*

An information and study booklet prepared by Herald YF will be
given to all participants.
Participants are encouraged to do their own research and study
on the Cult before coming for the lesson. Please take a B.A.T.H. before the
lesson. ( Bring a thought from home!)

Photos@ MacRitchie!!!

4:48 AM Posted by Unknown

Group Shot at Venus Drive Carpark

Anna's Group

Dominic's group

Gabriel's group

Ryan and Chong Shing

Church Magazine- YF page!

1:41 AM Posted by Unknown

Hi guys,
we are currently working on the church magazine.
Everyone will need to have an individual shot wearing green/black clothing and plain background.

Please submit your photos, or arrange for a date to shoot with Dominic, our official photographer.

Photo Hunt@ MacRitchie

1:23 AM Posted by Unknown

Tree Top Trail- Photo Hunt@ MacRitchie

When? This Saturday 9th August 2008
Time? 8.30am
Where? Entrance near Island Country Club. (Venus Drive Carpark)
i don't know where that is as well. LOL.

Please bring ...
Track Shoes/ Sandals, Sunblock, Shades, Poncho, Water bottle, Hat/ Cap, Digital Camera

Fiona 98006083
Dominic 92372916

11 km of nature trail, photo snapping, games, and immersion in God's creation.

Ben & Jerry's after YF 19 July 08

3:13 AM Posted by Unknown

After YF last saturday, the whole bunch of us went for dinner at Popeye's at Singapore Flyer. Hee, the crowd was there rehearsing for the national day parade. But, we braved the crowd, the drizzle and had dinner there!

Later on, we went for ice cream at Ben&Jerry's. and we all know why Gab has a stomachache after that... tsk tsk, asked for it.

Since Ryan was all skin and bones, we figured he needed some feeding... Trust us, he is glued to his PSP.

I apologize for my lousy camera phone! But still, pictures are pictures. Memories are kept forever right? Pictures fade...

As promised, here are the pictures, but i doubt you can use them for the church magazine! Hee.

Phil & Pris Wedding

4:43 AM Posted by Unknown

3 Semester 2008 Programme Leaflet Out!!!

7:10 AM Posted by Unknown

Dear Friends and Visitors, welcome to the Youth group's webpage! The 3rd semester programme leaflet is out now! Do get yours from your friends who currently attend the youth group. In there you will find all the activites and programmes we have lined up for you! Hoep to see you soon!

Faith Factor

5:24 AM Posted by Unknown

1. Song Session- Bethanie
Prayer, and songs, musician- Jodi.

2. Introduction to Faith Factor- Bethanie & Ryan (Jodi to help)
Tags, games, activities, lesson, separation into 2 groups.

3. Faith Game- Ryan (Bethanie & Jodi to help)
Start with asking for a volunteer to test his/her faith. Have 2-4 people stand around the volunteer and have the volunteer close his/her eyes and lean in to the arms of the people around him/her. Have the catchers push the volunteer around to each others arms. Also have the catchers delay pushing the person for the increased scare affect. Play until all who want to have a turn get to be caught.

Make sure the volunteer asks the person giving him a push which number he is going to count up to before he pushes him down. And, make sure one of the volunteer gets tricked twice in the game.

4. Faith Lesson- Jodi (Ryan to help with tags, questions and quizzes along the way, determined by jodi)
Every participant is blind folded in this section. There will be 20 tags all around the room. Participants are given 30 seconds to remember where they are and will be blind folded throughout the whole devotion. There are a total of 4 major sub topics, and a question will be asked in relation to the sub topic and at the end of the topic. The first one to complete a task determined by Jodi gets to answer the question. If the answer is correct, the person gets to walk around the room and collect as many tags as possible in 1 minute. If wrong, the next person gets to answer. The successful candidate who got the tags are now out of the game. The objective is to learn about what God tells us about faith, and to score points for the team.

My Prayer Is: That faith IS a factor for you! James 1:1-12
God is testing our faith in the following 3 ways:
1) Trials (vs. 2-4)

1. Temptations of Satan to sin- Afflictions/Persecutions for the sake of the gospel

2. Perseverance –to stick with your task or trial during difficulties
3. Maturity – Turn to Matt. 5:48 –(be perfect)

2) Dependency (vs. 5-8)

1. Note: without finding fault = Need to be in a right relationship

2. God rewards righteousness
1.Mark 11:24 “Therefore I say to you, all things for which you pray and ask, believe that you have received them, and they shall be granted you”
2.I John 5:14,15 “And this is the confidence which we have before Him, that, if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us”
3.Both of these verses confirm verse 6 in that you must ask Him and believe (faith factor)

If you you’re doubting than don’t be expecting anything, then again if you doubt, you probably won’t be expecting anything

4.Double-minded – picture a person with two heads. Two brains arguing with each other
Double –minded = unstableness

3) Circumstances (vs. 9-11)
Humbleness always honored in the Bible

1. Taking pride in your high position? Yes, because James 4:6, says, “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble”
2. The rich should take pride in their low position
3 . A rich person needs to be in a state of gratefulness. He also needs his dependency to be on God. The problem is that riches often complicate this and cause people to become prideful and we know that the Lord opposes that.

These are comfort words to those of us who aren’t rich, but also sobering words to those that have money.

What will help when we are tested in our, “Trials,” “Dependency,” and “Circumstances”?
1.Persevere – to stick with your task or trial during difficulties

If you stand the test = rewards – eternal life, crowns that we will end up laying at Jesus’s feet because when we see Him we will understand that He alone is worthy!

2.For those who love Him- This is a motivating factor
a. God loved the world
b. We love Him because he first loved us says I John 4:19

Let me ask you the question? Is FAITH a factor for you?

Share the GOSPEL! Call for a response! The ABC’s of Salvation:
A:dmit: Realize that you’re a sinner! Rom. 3:23, Rom. 6:23,
B:elieve: Repent (change your mind) Rom. 10:9
C:hoose: Matt. 28:20 – obey Christ and the Word

5. Trust and Prayer in Youth Group-
Jodi (Bethanie to help with candles and Ryan to help with lights)

Begin by presenting the following scenario. You have come to youth group and are facing a difficult situation and need someone to talk to whom you can trust. Ask youth to raise their hand if there is one person in youth group (not counting adults) whom you feel comfortable talking to. Then ask how many have two, three or four people they can so trust. Take time to discuss what makes people trustworthy. In our group the following were the most common characteristics mentioned: being a good listener, not being judgmental and having had a positive trusting experience in the past.

Refer to the game’ faith game’ When did they begin to lose trust? Most of our youth maintained trust through the first error but the second time they were tricked, they reported a loss of trust which increased if there were subsequent errors.

Read Proverbs 3:5. Discuss how difficult it is to trust in the Lord with all your heart and not to depend on your own understanding of things.

Now take time to ask youth to share one thing that they would like to see changed. The change reported could be about themselves, the youth group, their families, their school or the world. Point out that sharing such important things requires a trust in each other. As youth share their thoughts, take time to briefly discuss the requests made then record them.

Ask youth to sit "Indian style" in a circle. Have some small candles available that can be held, one for each youth. Read the requests for change that have been recorded. Now advise youth that we will pray for these as follows. A youth leader will light a candle and pray referencing at least several of the recorded requests for change. Once the leader has completed his or her prayer, youth are invited to light a candle of their own and pray. The list of things to be changed is made available for those who need it. After a couple of candles have been lit extinguish the lights in the room.

When we did this one of our youth asked, "Do you mean pray out loud?" and I replied "Yes, that is what trust is all about". Though only an eighth grader, he was willing to participate. When all youth, who wish to participate, have prayed, the youth leader should say a concluding prayer and then ask youth to see how their candles have brightened the room. Advise that our prayers bring light and hope to people. Extinguish the candles one by one noting the contribution each youth's candle made to overcoming the darkness of the room.

6. Things needed for activities
Blindfolds, bibles, stationary, faith factor tags, candles. Lighter, paper and pens, guitar, song books.

Church Camp photos!

10:10 PM Posted by Unknown