Youth Fellowship 19.04.08

4:54 AM Posted by Unknown

Today's YF topic is on Putting Down roots in God.

Bethanie led us in song session today.It was different because she had included prayer, bible reading in the song session.She also took time to put the lyrics into a song sheet! We also found the songs chosen were appropriate, and has a contemporary catchy tunes. and thus have decided to purchase the song books at a very mnimal price.

We studied the passages from the bible to find out why the early churches met up regularly. Each had to take up the role of a gentile historian living in the olden times and recording why the church met, what they did and how often they met.

Every individual shared their thoughts and we summarise and closed the bible study session.

B.A.T.H. is something that was introduced to them today. Bring A Thought Home. Each of them has to take a B.A.T.H at the end of every lesson, share what is the one thought they want to bring home and remember it in action. This is an opportunity to let every single person speak up in the session.

We also had a short 5 to 10 min discussion on general matters of the YF. the YFers felt we should have more outdoor activties and lighter bible studies. It is also good to tackle topics that more related to them at this point of their lives. It was good to hear the opinions so that we can further slant the activities to suit the YF's needs.

After staying back to learn some news songs, a few of us went over to the coffee shop next door for some tao huey zhui and you tiao. It was scrumptious! but really oily though. we are really looking forward to church camp! :)